15 Jan

I have a number of further projects planned which are aimed at making Mor O Gariad more sustainable and more generally, helping the environment.  These include:

  • Replacing the oil fired boiler which provides heating and hot water with an electrical solution.  This is very attractive for a number of reasons - the current boiler is definitely not a clean solution, oil is getting pretty expensive, there is a constant risk of the oil running out, the boiler is not very reliable and is costly to maintain.  The solution may involve an air source heat pump (that would be the 3rd one I have installed at Mor O Gariad, after the pool and hot tub).  However, there are high tech solutions emerging that I am looking at, e.g.  https://www.trustelectricheating.co.uk/

  • Installing an EV charger. I'd like to encourage the take up of electric vehicles as I think they are part of a more sustainable, cleaner way forward.  As such this is another project I am looking into.  It might work well with the solar panels and battery storage already up and running.  We'll see!
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