Hot tub

Please do not spend more than 15 minutes at a time in the hot tub and shower after using the tub, particularly if you have sensitive skin. Guests should note that hot tub water contains chemicals that are needed to kill harmful bacteria and keep the hot tub clean and safe. However, these chemicals can potentially cause skin irritation and a rash (known as chemical dermatitis) in some people, particularly those with sensitive skin.

Swimming Pool

Children using the pool must be supervised by an adult at all times. The access gate to the pool should be kept locked shut when not in use, especially if there are children within the party. Please note that swimming pool is only available from May to September (inclusive) and is heated in this period.

Wood burning stove

Please take care if using the wood burning stove in the lounge. The fire safety railing around the stove and the doors to the stove itself should always be kept closed unless adding more wood to the fire.


The key to the back door is in a key safe next to the back door. The code for the key safe will be sent to you before your arrival. Please ensure that you close and lock all doors when leaving the property. All doors apart from the back door should be locked from the inside and the keys for these doors should be left in the lock at all time.


The path to the hot tub and the path to the pool can be slippery when its wet. Please take care on these.